Stephaney Allinson BHMA, MNIMH, MCPP,
Medical Herbalist

All appointments must be cancelled with a minimum of 24 hours notice, otherwise the consultation fee will still be charged.

Before the consultation can start I will go through a patient consent form with you, unless it was sent through prior to the consultation along with a diet diary sheet to read through and once you’re happy we both sign it.The initial consultation will generally take about 90 minutes. In the consultation the main emphasis is to listen to the patient and there is space both for hearing the whole of a complex medical history and for patients to unload any emotional burdens that might be associated with this. In general herbalists try to balance their insights into the physical and emotional aspects of a patient's condition. I also check in great detail the diet and lifestyle of the patient and encourage understanding on how this can affect their health. Whilst not all consultations will require any physical examination, I will often listen to heart or breath sounds, palpate an abdomen or examine a joint. Recording of a patient's blood pressure is often routine.

Usually at the end of the initial consultation I will arrange a time for the first follow-up consultation. This consultation is generally (depending on the individual circumstances surrounding the patient) arranged for two weeks later so that I can check to see how you’re doing on the herbal medicine and you can go through any concerns or issues that may have arisen since the initial visit. When the consultation has finished just before you leave I will always make sure that you have contact details for me in case you have any questions or concerns between visits


